Cassidy Wagner.

Graphic Designer & Content Supervisor

What do you do at Sound?

I am a graphic designer. I work with clients to ensure their brand and vision is executed through creatives via paid marketing campaigns.


What’s your career background?

I started my career after graduation in the small town that I grew up in. I wanted to take the “big city” digital marketing knowledge that I had learned and apply it to the small businesses that needed it. My experience working for digital marketing startups and social agencies has taught me a great deal about communication and design principles and how they are a reflection of your brand and services.


What do you enjoy about the work that you do?

I enjoy communicating the client’s vision through imagery and using these visuals to emphasize their messaging across digital platforms. Each platform has a different purpose and a different goal, this makes my job different each time as we combine this with the goals and objectives of the client.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

That everything happens for a reason, if you do not know the reason yet. This advice has shaped my perspective on learning and growing as a person and professional.


What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

When I am not working I enjoy cooking, going out to dinner, hitting the nearest beaches in the summertime and spending time with my family and friends.


What’s your life motto?
“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.”